Utah June '07 - A Harmony for 5 parts | People
All text and photos © 2007 Peter Newbury.

Andre checking the toys for taste Choco the lab gets the pose Choco the lab checks the scene Denali, you have another one just like it on the other side Cowgirl Denali
Leanne and Denali Denali and Marc waiting for Andre Denali massages Jim's back Denali massages Jim's shoulders Denali gives Jim a hug from behind
Denali gives Jim a good luck kiss on the cheek Denali walks the kinks out Denali doing tricks Denali and Peter do low fives Peter passes the power of the hat to Denali
Oh, she is just too cute Denali checking her messages Denali and Sandy watching the play Denali and Scott - watch out world! Denali hanging out with Will
Here comes with, and with booze and cash! Jim preparing to pour Leslie prepping for some speed mmmmm finger licking good! Leslie and Will - cheers to you
Leslie and Will - and cheers to us Marc and Andre watching the deer Marc and Andre watching the deer Marc and Andre watching the deer Marc, Leanne and Andre
Marc, Leanne and Andre Marc, Diana and Peter keep tabs from the shade Good morning, Marley Speedy balances precariously Pushing ice around the field
Sandy takes a moment to breathe Sandy and his 5 oclock shadow Scott and his favourite weapon Scott and Susan - pure white! Vicky, Denali and Scott in the Fitlow kitchen


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