Peru UW MBA March '08 - Adventures in South America | People
Thanks to Crooked Trails for managing the tour.

Adam reading forward Adam walking the blue plank Adam after his canyon dousing Adam sliding at Sacksay Wamman Chris being suave
Chris checking the views Chris at Machu Picchu Danny at the Sun Gate Danny going over the edge Danny drinking from bamboo in the jungle
Danny wondering why the camera is poited at him Danny in the canyon Danny enjoying getting wet Tai Chi Donny Donny taking a picture of a llama
Donny enjoying the view Donny is still awake Donny ran the last steps of everything he could! Nina and Jon and Danny and Maryann on Wynu Picchu Faith likes her new headgear
Faith at Lovers Bluff in Minaflores Faith posing in Cuzco Faith sleepwalking Faith looking hot Where did Faith go?
Faith sliding past Faith and Tammy on the hike to Machu Picchu Fish at Machu Picchu Fish taking a break Fish drinking from bamboo
Fish and Danny taking a nap Fish and Faith and Jerri and Maryann enjoying the flat Fish and Faith and Jerri and Maryann say hello Jerri and Veena and Nina watching time Jon smiles wisely
Jon prepping to brevely each civiche Jon - and Danny - on route to civiche status Jon thinking hard Jon pondering Jon walks through history
Jon prepares to drop off the edge Danny and Tammy eating our jungle lunch Maryann showing off her flower Nina paused by the view Nina paused by the view, again
Nina listening in Salvador Nina getting last second instructions on how to throw herself off a cliff Nina walking through history Nina watching wet venturers Nina made it through the undercut
Nina graces the slide Nina and Alvaro at the Sun Gate Nina and Veena gracing the jungle Peter shows off the flower Donny and Veen and Fish powered by Machu Picchu
Stefan and his camera Stefan enjoying his tripod Stafan looks positively Incan - well not really Stefan at the Sun Gate Stefan going up and up and up
Tammy absorbed in the view of Machu Picchu Tammy at INC Tammy having fun in Cuzco Tammy looking dashing in Minaflores Teresa grinning through the wet
Veena in the canopy Veena enjoying the Machu Picchu view Veena hanging with one of the jungle cats Veena and the boys Veena and Donny
Veena and Tammy working their way up Veena and Tammy sharing a laugh

All text and photos © 2008 Peter Newbury.


Peru Home    ||    People    ||    Lima IVilla el SalvadorLima IIAmazon JungleCuzco IChinceroMachu PicchuCuzco II    ||    Cuzco Doors


Peter Newbury's Published Adventures