Big Sky Montana
Sam never suspected a thing. I was finally carrying through on my promise of a visit to Bozeman. Steph did a wonderful job opening Pandora's box... and we plotted. Sam was out of communication finishing his last week in the field, I could feign work related excuses to bail yet again and Steph would figure out how to cajole Sam into a snooze or a drive for no apparent reason. I had just returned from
Japan a week before and was excited to see and share time with Sam and Steph. Welcome to Big Sky Country.
Bring On the Dawn
The world has gotten so small over the last hundred years. From Seattle to Japan would have been a multi-week sea voyage. I had just been there and back in less than 2. Here I was, waking before dawn and giving respect to the same rising sun. Sunrises are so full of opportunity.
I hold a great deal of respect for my brother. He has connected with his world and people in a way that is full of love and respect, is not precious or put on for show. His 'home' address is an RV in a friend's back yard. Showers are a couple blocks away. Rent is a few hundred bucks... a year. He has rigged up some solar panels and a storage/converter system and runs everything he needs there without an electric bill or gas pump. There are so many ways to approach this world and it's needs in ways that satisfies our needs (shelter, food, etc.), and there are many ways to stay very aware of what our needs truly are, as opposed to what the ad companies want our needs to be. I'm impressed, Sam. Have fun and be true and next time I get to sleep under the pine tree.
Family Time
Sam and I will have the pleasure of seeing each other 6 times in half as many places from early April to mid June. Bozeman, Seattle, Boston, Seattle, Alaska, Seattle. This is more times than we've seen each other in easily the two previous years. We've been catching up on lost time together, having great conversations, looking at pictures, talking about history, people, humanity, the future. We've spoken about some of the paths open to each of us and some of the lessons we've learned and are hopeful to learn. It is wonderful to contemplate those things and I am very glad to have a brother to do it with and a world to do it in. These are some slides we found at our Grandmother's house showing some of our world...